Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Time for me!

I have been under a lot of stress here lately. I honestly can say this is the sickest year we have ever had. Isaiah has hand,foot, and mouth right now. He came down with it on Monday. I was thinking it was chicken pox at first, but then found out later it was the other. He has just been so whinny. It is driving me insane to the point I was a ball of nerves today and just wanted to cry. Brian got home from church and I took off to the bathroom and ran a hot tub of water and did a facial on me using mashed bananas with oatmeal and then did a clay mask with avocado and lavender. My face feels so smooth. I then scrubbed my feet and got all the dead skin off and used some tea tree oil lotion on them. They are now so smooth!! I feel like a new person. Well almost! I do feel better since the long soak in the tub and just taking some time out for ME!

Tomorrow is youth night and it does not look like I will be going. The kids are going to have a blast though. Hot dogs, smores,and fireworks!! Wish I could go... boo hoo! Oh well another time. Youth night has been going pretty good. The kids seem to have fun and are learning at least I hope so. It is a lot of work! They love to try and answer a question cause they get candy from a basket. I called Brian the "Easter Pastor" LOL

Not much else has been going on around here. We did not get to put out a garden, but we did get some tomato plants out. Speaking of which, I pulled the weeds out of the flower bed to make room for the tomatoes and I think I must of got into something well I know I did. I had a rash under my right arm and now it is getting better. I have been using hydrocortisone cream. It does not look like poison ivy at all.

Well enough said for tonight!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I can't believe it has been over 2 months since I have blogged. Ya know the saying times flies when you are having fun and not so much fun. Anyway I thought when the boys went to school I would have more "me" time but no. I am still so very busy. I guess with a 2 yr old there is never a dull moment.

Oh yea... Isaiah turned 2 on the 30th of May. He is talking up the storm and is just a cutie. He loves to play with cars now and has been playing with this noisy fire truck that he got for Christmas. Why do all toys have to be noisy? I mean, it is not like we mother's aren't crazy enough already!!

Zack and Logan are out of school and both got promoted on to the next grade. Zack will be in Jr. High and Logan will be in the 4th grade. They both did really well on their report cards and they both got several awards. I am so proud of both of them. When I see the word Jr. High it makes me feel so OLD!

We just started a youth night at church. Tonight was our first night and it went quite well. We had 13 children to show up. We all had a great time in the Lord. I think the BIG kids had as much fun as the little ones! LOL

I have my neice, Anna, with me tonight. I am unsure as to how many days she will be staying. I guess we will go on how the kids get a long. I am sure she will be on her best behavior... LOL.

Well not much else to say or tell. I will try and do better on my blogging techniques. Until next time!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

on my way

I have not posted in sometime and there is a good reason I promise. I said reason, but actually there are several. First I really have NOTHING to say. Seems like my days intertwine with one another and well say blah, blah, blah. Secondly I have just been busy with Isaiah. He is growing so quickly and if he is going to be the last baby then I want to have my "baby" time!

I took the boy's to their dentist appointment last Thursday, Logan and Isaiah were cavity free, but Zack had a small cavity in one of his baby teeth at the top. This was Isaiah's first appointment so I took pictures. I will post them tomorrow. I am on the other computer which does not have my camera installed. On Monday I had to take Zack to an orthodontist appt. He needs braces... so they say, but there is no way I can afford 5,100. I think we are going to wait it out and see what happens. His teeth look a lot better then they did 2 yrs ago. I think he will be fine. Nothing new going on around here. Like I said same thing different day!

I did go to Pounds Away on Tuesday evening and started their program today. Yes they use diet pills, but I am using them as a TOOL to help me lose weight! They are safe with what medications I am on and I am monitored monthly by a doctor. Anyway you can check out and see the results some people have had. I would love to be under 200 by Christmas. I have not seen onederland in such a long time.

Well until next time!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I noticed I have not written in some time. I tell ya TIME is my hang up. There is just not enough TIME in a day! Oh well such is life. We have all been sick but I think the germ curse is finally leaving my household. It does not hurt my feelings one bit! I saw some Robin's in my yard last week and now my flowers that the boys' planted this past fall are up and blooming. I love SPRING! I feel alive and well! Brian has been working on his car the past few days. I think he finally got it all put back together again. It was the radiator and water pump. So now he has his car, but the bad thing is the baring is going out on my water pump to my blazer so now he will have to fix that as well. So I guess I will not have a vehicle again! Ugh! We are going to Waverly, Ohio tonight cause Brian has to preach. I am thinking of letting the boys' stay home tomorrow if we get home late. Otherwise they will have to go. My lower back has been really hurting today. I sure hope the ride and sitting all the time will not make it worse!

Monday, March 2, 2009

I know I may seem like a BIG cry baby when it comes to my weight, but I guess it is just a touchy subject with me. Something I want to get off so bad, but like someone told me earlier today if "we" honestly wanted to get the weight off "we" would be doing something about it. ~Like really trying~. First off I have to be honest and say yes I have tried but then quit. Okay so now it is time to pick myself up and dust off and get back on the diet ride and put some super glue on the seat of my britches this time!! I have been reading a book called Dieting clues for the clueless. Alot of the material really makes sense. I need all the clues I can get! Ha! Anyway I have tried different sites on the web to help make me accountable... to no avail I fail at that! So I made a blog for my weightloss @.....

My code name is mommabear97. Not sure if my readers will need that or not.

Today was midterms for the boys. Zack got the same grades as he did on his report card which is fantastic and Logan brought up ALL of his grades he has mostly A's and B's and I think one C and one D. He is doing great!!! The baby made a big mess for me to clean up today. He decided to break 3 eggs in my kitchen floor. Hmm I know eggs are a great conditioner for your hair, but the floor?

Just got a call from Brian and he is going to be running late tonight. He is stopping off to see an elderly man at Thomas Hospital. So more time to be on the computer... not! Isaiah is wanting my attention.... have a good night!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I had wrote a post yesterday which I ended up deleting. I am a railroad ride of emotions right now. Nothing seems to be going the way I want it. I seem to do things wrong all the time. No one seems to be pleased with anything I do or try to do. I have made my mistakes and my regrets... and there is not really anything I can do to change the past. Sometimes I wish I can turn back the clock and restart the day or the moment in which the mistake happened. It would be so nice to be Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz and the GREAT Oz would grant any request I have.... maybe the request of getting this weight off. I realize there are no magic pills out there, but trying and trying is not getting me anywhere either. Surgery is not the option for me either. One no money, two Brian would not allow it, three I personally do not want it. I just wish I was the size I was when I was in high school... or even when I first got married. In high school I weighed 120/125 and when I got married I weighed 150/155. I guess that is enough of my boo hooing....

The boys are doing good. Zack got 3rd place in the school's art contest and was 5th in a young readers writing a story. Logan is doing really well in school. He has been getting A's and B's on most things and some C's! I am so proud of him. Isaiah is growing like a weed, I had to buy him size 7 shoes today. He is talking a lot more and saying more words. A couple of my favorites are mama, cheese, mommy. get, no... amen!!!

Anyway not much else is going on around here. Good night!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snow Snow GO away

and do me a favor don't come back on another day!!! I have cabin fever people and this is soooo not funny! Not sure if we are going to get that lovely white stuff or not. It is supposed to hit us sometime on Monday, but I am crossing every part of my body that I can cross that is goes around us!! The kids were off school this whole week. Neither of them are looking foward to tomorrow. Being off has made them a wee bit LAZY... oh I am sorry made them MORE LAZY!

Brian is doing a lot better with his back, but is still having problems with his legs. He gets fire pain shooting down his legs and then they go numb. We know it is a nerve problem, and there is nothing they can do for him except shots and we don't have the $$$ for that! I sure wish he could insurance!

Isaiah is going through a clingy stage. He has to be on my lap or up my behind so to speak. Everywhere I go, he goes. Hey it is sorta like that song "Me and my shadow"!! He is my little buddy though. Oh and he has to fall asleep in my arms every night. The little bugger sometimes will be asleep and I put him in his bed for him to wake back up and then I have to start all over again! He has fallen asleep while I held him and as soon as I put him in his bed, those eyes pop open. I mean he was dead asleep snoring! Oh my he has got mommyitis for sure!

I am doing fairly well with my eating. I joined Sparks People today and I am trying to get used to the forum. It is different than C2L. I am still with C2L but there has been some major drama going on and the owner does not know if she is going to keep it or not, so I wanted to find another site to get support incase Mandy closes C2L. It is a shame that people can not be nice! Over the last 6 months I have lost 10lbs. Yea I know at least I lost, but please how sad!! So I joined a challenge on C2L called Loving ME and it ends in 3 weeks. I set my goal to lose 5 lbs in 3 weeks. I think that is doable!

Well later tators!